Not me reading this in a dramatic storytelling in my head like, i’m seated! Heee love this ~ definitely felt this dynamic playing in my life & others for real! Can’t wait for part two ✨ thanks Drew 🤩

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Right??? I’m glad we’re both tuned in…. Love to hear your thoughts on the “now what?” portion

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Thank you for explaining the drama in such a compelling manner. I struggled with a layoff back in 2019 and it was exactly the way you described yours. I now understand better and all those torments I wasn’t good enough are now gone. ☺️

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This is brilliant! I had a similar experience at a job in 2019-2020 where I was stuck in that drama triangle loop for a while. It’s sticky for sure. Can’t wait to read part 2.

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Saturn-Pluto-South node in Capricorn things! Thanks for chiming in Rishima. Hope you enjoy the piece.

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Yep, you're seeing me again, fellow Mars Aries: Nursing made me miserable, but I wouldn't leave because of the money. Then I woke up to a stroke in 2020. BAM! My nursing life (and life as I knew it) were over. I decided if I had to reinvent myself, I was going to do what I wanted. Hence Austin's class. I always say that day was the worst day of my life... and the BEST day of my life. Sometimes I actually believe that! I do not miss the drama!

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